The Boomerang Gang

watching news

Do you want to watch the news or do you want to make the news? It’s your choice.

If you don’t pursue God’s will for your life, the enemy will pursue his will for your life. You either play offence or you play defense. It’s your choice.

Not every one who says Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who do the will of the Father will enter. (Matthew 7:21) It’s your choice.

Many begin but don’t finish because they can’t finish. They leave their heart behind. The leave their heart behind lost in the old world therefore they must go back and retrieve it. Their treasure was still attached to the world and the things of this world, for where a man’s treasure is there his heart will be also.heart

No man can live without his heart. It’s what pumps his life through him because the life is in the blood. Jesus said you must forsake all to follow me. (Luke 14:33)

So if you leave your comfort zone, make sure you don’t leave your heart there. If you leave house, lands, children and grandchildren for the Lord’s sake and the gospel’s, make sure you take your heart with you as you pursue the will of God. Make sure you set your affections on the things above and not the things below.

Better yet, send your heart ahead. Send it on a scouting mission. Send it ahead pursuing the will of God and the Promised Land so that even if there are giants in the land, you’ll have to go to retrieve your heart because you can’t live without your heart.

There’s no better time than now to send your heart on the mission of a lifetime to pursue the will of God for your life. The promises are ahead not behind. Don’t look back. Life lies ahead and only death behind.hand-to-plowNo man who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom. (Luke 9:62) Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. (Hebrews 10:38)

Are you spiritually fit or out of shape? Will you be among those who enter or will you be among the boomerang gang.boomerang2

It’s your choice.




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