Program 46 (11-14-14) Where will revival begin? Every fire begins with a spark that ignites what’s flammable. Who will be spark to begin the fire? Who is flammable for the Lord? Who has denied them self to become usable for the Lord. Revival begins with our self, the one we see in the mirror every morning. The Lord is about to assemble an army of “dead men” that won’t fear man, the devil, or the times we live in. He’s looking for recruits now. Will you join His mighty army to be used in these end times?
Program 45 (11-7-14) How can the lost save the lost? Only the found can find the lost. Only those with God’s love have a heart to find the lost. It’s His love that compels and motivates. One bit of evidence of being found is the desire to find.
Program 44 (11-1-14) Who will the Lord take care of and preserve during the coming time of testing? Will it be the prepared or the presumptuous? Will it be the obedient or the disobedient? Will it be the awake or the asleep? Right now a voice is crying out, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight.” Is there anyone listening?
Program 43 (10-18-14) The Lord spoke a very strong word to me this past week. We have entered a new time zone. We have exited our time zone and have now entered His time zone. No one comes and goes as He pleases anymore, no one. We must have His permission. We are living in perilous times and obedience to Him will be our only protection.
Program 42 (10-8-14) John the Baptist announced the coming of the Messiah proclaiming, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight” (Mark 1:3). The Greek word translated as “prepare” translates also as “make ready”. Revelations 19:7 states, “for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready”. The prophetic message to those who desire to be with the Lord is the same, we must make ourselves ready. The time of His second coming is marked as a time of “great deception”. How many will be among the deceived “foolish virgins” thinking they were ready but in reality will have no light when the hour of darkness arrives?
Program 41 (9-30-14) How do we know if we’re the bride of Christ? The bride of Jesus doesn’t just love Him in word but loves Him indeed. His bride doesn’t just love Him, she’s in love with Him. He’s the first thing on her mind when she wakes up and the last thing on her mind when she goes to bed.
Many may claim to love Jesus, but the real question that needs to be answered is, are you in love with Him?
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