Program 82 (8-11-15) On this program, I interview Maria who escaped from Communist Bugaria in the mid-70’s at the age of 10 in the trunk of a car. We discuss her escape and the signs that America is following the same path as the nation she escaped from.
Program 81 (8-1-15) On this program, I interview a Chiropractor named Oliver Whipple, nicknamed “Whip”, from the Flathead Valley area of Montana. He shares his testimony of his recent transformation by the Holy Spirit and how the Lord has called him to leave the “nest”.
Program 80 (7-24-15) On this program I discuss a number of words I have recently received regarding the times we are living in and whether or not we are ready for them.
Program 79 (7-18-15) Previous guests from Program 76, Scott and Stephanie Nelson from Spokane, WA have returned to Boquete with a testimony of the hand of God upon their move. For those willing to leave their comfort zone, this program be an source of encouragement for you.
Program 78 (7-11-15) We have entered a time when choices that we make must be based upon the truth and not a word merely claiming to be from the Lord that makes us feel good. Not every voice out there that claims to be a word from the Lord is truly a word from the Lord. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
Program 77 (6-30-15) In 1965, a close personal friend of Smith Wigglesworth named Stanley Frodsham gave a prophetic word to America regarding the days to come. My friend David Guilliams joins me to discuss this timely prophetic word on the day the Supreme Court’s announced its decision to legalize gay marriage in all 50 states .
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